Sunday 20 July 2014

Teori: Apakah MH17 Penyebab Perang Dunia Ke-III?

The Road to World War III Runs through Ukraine.

Pasti ada yang bertanya, ini apa pula kisahnya?

Atas sebab saya terjumpa tajuk diataslah saya tulis artikel ini. Kerana pesawat MAS MH17 jatuh di Ukraine.

Saya meronda segala blog, website dan baca artikel yang berkait berkenaan MH17.

Dan yang paling mengejutkan, ia ada kena-mengena dengan perang dunia ke-3 yang bakal meletus secara tidak lansung.

Apapun teori dari pelbagai sumber masih lagi bertaraf teori.

Ramalan tidak ada dalam minda orang Islam. Dan orang Islam tidak amal mengikut ramalan.

Tetapi ini bukan ramalan, ini analisa dari beberapa orang dari luar negara yang bukan warganegara Malaysia.

Janganlah pula percaya bulat-bulat dari baca buku novel yang membuat kita kuat berangan, elok lagi baca bahan sebegini.

Kita lihat dan perhatikan analisa dari seorang agamawan luar negara dulu.

Untuk ini sila panggil orang yang pandai baca bahasa Inggeris untuk terjemahkan jika tidak fasih bahasa Inggeris. (saya tidak minta anda percaya pada hal ini, saya beritahu awal-awal supaya orang cetek minda yang suka buat keputusan tidak menuduh macam-macam)

The Third World War will start with the conflict between Turkey and Greece.
- Jewish masons who are rulers over USA and European Union will force Turkish people into the war against Greece.
- In spite of Greek tremendous courage and resistance, Turkish attack will be devastating. Lots of Greeks and lots of their Russian and Serbian brothers in Christ who will volunteer to help Greeks will be dead.
- Turkey will charge deep inside Greece and will concur the most of the Greek territory.
- At the beginning, NATO and USA will not interfere into this conflict directly, but will give silent support for everything Turks do instead.
- The time will come that the world will think Greek people will vanish.
- A moment before it will be almost certain to happen, mighty Russia opens its cards in protection of Greek people and Orthodox Christianity. This takes everyone by surprise. Russian nukes are launched to Turkey.
- Darkness is covering Balkan peninsula and Near East. The World we know cease to exist again.
- At this point USA and EU join Turkey (or what's left of it) and declare global war against Russia and Greece.
- Vatican and the Holy Chair will announce Holy War against "schismatic" Orthodoxy.
- The war will be horrible. Burning people will fall from the sky.
- USA will suffer terrible defeat and will "blow up like balloon" (for whatever it means).
- Roman Catholic Church will never be able to return back to the positions it has today. Not even close. Its influence will be next to nothing.

Baiklah, yang pentingnya disebut negara Turki sebagai pemula dan penyebab peperangan dan kemudiannya perang besar bermula kerana masing-masing akan mengambil posisi.

Yang ini kita ambil dari sumber lain pula, yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan kisah dalam tulisan di atas.

Meanwhile, the Russian military will bluster by moving its forces to high alert status. However, nothing will occur until the Ukrainian issue is resolved. If the Russians win, their Eurasian empire will challenge the US in Syria and Iran. If the Russians lose complete control of the Ukraine, a third world war could begin, as NATO would surely oppose a Russian military incursion. Remember, NATO ally Turkey is right across a small pond and it is amazing what one can learn when one can properly read a map.

Jadi, walaupun kedua kenyataan diatas dan dibawah dari sumber dan artikel berbeza dan ditulis oleh warganegara berlainan, satu perkara yang penting di sini adalah penyebutan nama Turki.

- Russians will enter Constantinople, establish their own governor, but will give it all to Greeks later on green table.
- Greeks will hesitate to accept new territories at the start, but will accept them later and will rule over what used to be Turkish capital. Greeks will return to Constantinopolis 600 years after leaving it, as monk said.
- One third of Turks will lose their lives, one third will accept Orthodox Christianity and one third will move to live in "some deserts".
- Armenia will get its lands back.
- Kurd people will establish their own country.

Sungguhpun masalah Turki ketika ini adalah kaum Kurd dipergunungannya, tetapi yang jelas adalah Turki sebagai bahan bermula peperangan yang bakal mencetuskan perang dunia ke-3. Inipun boleh jadi penyebabnya -
Erdogan warns Israel: Turkey can send warships to east Mediterranean at any time.

Selain itu kaitan MH17 dengan seluruh peristiwa diatas seperti ditulis dibawah ini -
Many have claimed that The Illuminati carried out the attack as part of its longstanding masterplan to trigger a third world war and thus establish a New World Order... chiefly because of the plane's links to the number seven.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was a Boeing 777 and made its maiden flight on July 17, 1997 - 17 years ago to the day, many theorists point out.

On top of that, July is the seventh month of 2014. Adding up the year's numbers (2+0+1+4) makes seven.

Ini pula dari ucapan Lagarde (kepala IMF) - dia bermain dengan angka 7 dalam ucapannya.

'Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven,' she told the audience.
She went on to point out that 2014 will 'mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jitters', and will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, 25th (2 + 5 = 7)'.

'Was Christine Lagarde trying to give a message about the #MH17 tragedy in her bizarre speech about numerology?' she tweeted.

Terkejut juga apabila dalam keadaan pesawat MAS kita ditembak pun ada kaitan dengan IIluminati.

Sama pula dengan atikel -

Seperti orang lain juga kita sedang membaca puzzle yang belum lengkap yang dapat mengisi ruangan kosong. Seperti orang lain kita cuba mencantumkan satu-satu perkara untuk mengkaitkan dengan keseluruhan gambaran.

Baca pula tajuk dari laman beforeitsnews - MH17 Lies Already Falling Apart! Ukrainian Govt Mess up
Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:40

Dibawah ini juga adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan -
'The occult/illuminati connection to this plane crash are laid out in the video below and are absolutely stunning as the NWO (New World Order) attempts to start WW3 as their grip on power falls apart as the US dollar dies and on the same day TWA Flight 800 was shot down in 1996.'
The number seven is a figure that has long been associated with the clandestine group, who are said to view it as the essence of perfection. (MH17 penuh dengan angka 7)

Tapi ada pula atikel yang menulis begini -
World War 3 will begin with a surprise attack on Israel over the Palestinian and Jewish struggle for the land. Egypt will lead a coalition of Arab nations including Syria, Iraq, Sudan, and Libya, which will attack Israel immediately after the abomination of desolation in the rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The abomination of desolation takes place in the middle of the end-times 7 year period.

Cuma bagi penulis blog ini, kebanyakan negara yang disebut diatas sudah hampir hancur dan pecah, Egypt, Syria, Iraq dan Libya sudah hancur, bagaimana mahu bangkit seperti dianalisakan?

Saya sebenarnya tiada konklusi kepada segala hal ini, dan hanya berserah kepada Allah SWT sahaja. Tapi sambil itu sering mengintai keadaan-keadaan yang boleh dijadikan petanda.

Adakah MH17 bakal menyebabkan peperangan dunia ke-3?

Ataukah ada perkara yang kita tidak tahu yang sedang direncanakan untuk kita?

Apapun kita ambil jalan menunggu dan lihat. Itu yang terbaik.

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